- Steffen Griepke

In the remediation market at large, in situ thermal remediation (ISTR) is a niche of a niche. ISTR is a relatively complicated process with many moving parts and logistical elements, used primarily for complicated clean-ups, many with stringent treatment goals.

Understanding which thermal method(s) would deliver the best solution is critical.

This presentation provides an overview of TerraTherm, a Cascade Company’s site screening process which is based on our experience evaluating hundreds of sites every year. Thermal remediation design expert Steffen Griepke Nielsen will discuss how we gather the most necessary and important data, and how it is used to select the best remedial options.

In addition, we will present an analysis of each thermal technology and their sweet spots. Several examples of good fits and bad fits of technologies will be presented, concluding with a brief question and answer session from the audience.


About the Presenter:

Steffen Griepke Nielsen

Technical Director, Thermal Conduction Heating

[email protected]

Steffen Griepke Nielsen is involved in the front-end designs at TerraTherm. He is responsible for subsurface designs and quality control for all ISTR projects, including one-of-a-kind custom solutions. Mr. Griepke Nielsen has ensured operational success as the technical director for more than 15 ISTR projects. In addition, he leads TerraTherm’s data management efforts and develops tools and systems allowing for operational data during operations of our thermal projects.

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