
→ Reduce life cycle remediation costs

→ Faster risk reduction during active remediation projects

→ Sustainable groundwater reductions

What is ColloidalChem?

ColloidalChem™ is a group of high mobility and low pressure, injectable colloidal activated carbon products designed to target difficult-to-treat contaminants like chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs), per and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), benzene/toluene/ethylbenzene/xylenes (BTEX), and other pollutants. These products are manufactured by Cascade Environmental.

ColloidalChem +ISCR™ is a patent pending injectable colloidal activated carbon with integrated chemical reduction chemistry for destruction of chlorinated solvents.

ColloidalChem +Anchor™ is a patented injectable colloidal activated carbon with an integrated  enzyme technology to control mobility in PRB applications. U.S. Patent 11,077,476 and U.S. Patent 11,998,964

ColloidalChem +Bio™ is an injectable activated carbon with additional chemistries to enhance bioremediation destruction of petroleum compounds.

What Makes It So Effective?

  • Can be injected at low pressures for optimal distribution and contact
  • Suitable for specialized high hydraulic conductivity applications like permeable reactive barriers (PRBs)
  • Produces minimal breakdown products or metals conversion
  • Eliminates safety or site infrastructure risks associated with hazardous chemistries
  • Easily integrated as a combined remedy with other remediation technologies or chemistries

Cascade Chemistries Overview

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How to Manage Chemistry Mobility


Learn about Automated Injection

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How Does It Work? 

Unlike powdered activated carbon (25 um) used in pump and treat applications, ColloidalChem is an activated carbon colloid consisting of low micron size particles (2 um), which allows for delivery and distribution within the subsurface without the need for fracturing. The high surface area of these particles provides greater ability to adsorb contaminants, and their high persistence in the subsurface makes them especially effective against recalcitrant chemicals.

Once injected, the particles create an effective treatment zone for contact with the contaminated groundwater. As the water flows, contaminants are captured within activated carbon pores, where their concentrations are reduced through sequestration. The benefits of sequestration can be magnified when combining treatment with biodegradation (ColloidalChem +Bio), chemical reduction (ColloidalChem +ISCR), or anchoring chemistries (ColloidalChem +Anchor).


What is it Designed to Address? 

Chlorinated ethenes, ethanes & methanes
BTEX, MTBE & other regulated petroleum contaminants