Colloidal iZVI is a colloidal (5 um) injectable zero valent iron (iZVI) designed specifically for chlorinated solvent remediation, but can also be applied to hazardous metals, herbicides, and pesticides. Colloidal iZVI primarily targets contaminants in transmissive zones down gradient of the source or in barrier applications. It’s also effective in remediating less concentrated source areas by treating contaminants through chemical reduction.
Inject Colloidal iZVI as a precisely blended liquid-suspension via direct push or injection wells.
The unique formulation promotes broad dispersion in the subsurface at low and below fracture injection pressures, which optimizes distribution and contact. Through processes known as reductive dechlorination (for solvents) contaminants are degraded upon contact with the ZVI. The byproducts are ultimately broken down into acetylene's, and ethenes.
Can also treat less contaminated source areas.